Current Size: 140%

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  • ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

Banking Branch

  • Arrangement of Cash Credit Limit for the procurement of Paddy and wheat from the Central Govt./Reserve Bank of India.
  • Arrangement of short term Loans to meet with the emergent requirement e.g. payment of gunny bales, payment to Food Corporation of India. under Above Poverty Line Scheme etc.
  • All payments of Pungrain (Head Office) on the basis of sanctions issued by the Pungrain Branch.
  • To maintain all accounts of receipts/ securities received from Distt. Offices, and as well as direct receipt from the Millers, Labour/ Transport contractors and any other contractors/firms etc.
  • Release of securities to the Millers, Labour/ Transport contractors and any other contractors/ firms etc.
  • Maintaining accounts of sale proceeds of Wheat & Rice.
  • Maintaining Cash Book
  • Depositing Guarantee Fees during Rabi & Kharif season.
  • Filing quarterly return of PUNGRAIN
  • Reconciliation of receipts from FCI
  • Maintaining Fixed Deposits.
  • Audit Paras

Budget & Fund Branch 


  • Preparation of budget of Departmental establishment.
  • Expenditure of establishment. Departmental receipts are reconciled with the Accountant General, Punjab.
  • Allotment of budget to head office as well as field offices.
  • Reconciliation of bonus with the Accountant General, Punjab.
  • Scrutiny of accounts of levy sugar as received from PUNSUP.
  • Compilation of medical bills of retirees.
  • Preparation and issue of policy with regard to labour contract, transport contract.
  • Scrutiny of tenders/rates according to the policy and issue sanction.


Information regarding Budget & Expenditure

Year Rs.
Year 2012-13 revised estimate on establishment expenditure Rs. 112,42,64,000
Actual expenditure on establish-ment for the year 2012-13 Rs. 106,99,49,227
Year 2012-13 bonus (for rabi crop 2006-07 to 2012-13) Rs. 1,000
Year 2012-13(rabi) actual Expenditure of bonus payment --
Year 2013-14 budget estimates for establishment expenditure Rs. 11,92,919,000
Token provision for pending rabi 2006-2007 to 2013-14 Rs. 1000.
Rs. 400 Crore has been allocated for atta dal scheme during the year 2013-14. This scheme is being implemented by Punsup.
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