PEG (Private Entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme) Godowns

Govt of India assessed the storage capacities gap through Food Corporation of India and planned for construction of further capacity during the 11th plan period throughout India. A substantial storage gap in various states was found. To cover this gap PEG scheme was launched in 2008. A capacity gap of 71 LMT was identified by GOI and there after more than 21 LMT was shifted to other states, out of the balance 41.25 LMT was identified to be constructed by private investors, 4 LMT reserved for Silo's at 8 places, some capacity is being constructed by CWC (Central Wharehouse Corporation) and SWC (State Warehouse Corporation).

For Constructions of capacity through private entrepreneurs Pungrain has been nominated as nodal agency. So far Pungrain is able to achieve a target of 31 LMT as fixed by Govt of India and about 10 LMT more capacity will be completed by the end of March 2014.

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